Information about the death of Des O’Brien is recorded under ANNUAL REUNION Deceased Old Boys. We received two itmes of interest from Old Boys who…
Information about the death of Des O’Brien is recorded under ANNUAL REUNION Deceased Old Boys. We received two itmes of interest from Old Boys who…
The “fish day” was held on Sunday 16 December 2012 with a good turnout of families. The volunteer cooks did a splendid job as always…
The annual fishing trip to Torrumbarry was again memorable with fine weather and fish on the bite. Leo Law’s rod snared a six pound yellow…
The Macedon Ranges Guardian had a story and photograph in the March 16 2012 issue on page 2. A copy can be had by request…
The Law family is the news event of the the new year. It is mostly good news. Leo has attained the young age of seventy.…
Mick Law had a spell in hospital to have a cancer removed from his bowel. The surgeons gave him a positive outcome and he has…