Latest Meeting
Two Thousand and Twenty-four [2024]
Like many organisations we were markedly affected by Covid and will probably not again be as active in previous years.
28 January 2024
This was the day of our Reunion held at the Shamrock Hotel. Members attending had the opportunity to commune with the President and Committee members.
There were no issues raised that needed attention.
Overall the meting was a success, albeit a late change of venue was needed when the Bowls Club was flooded and materially damaged.
19 June 2024
The Annual General meeting was held followed by a general committee meeting.
- Presidents Report*********** President Roly gave his report thanking the committee with special mention of Len Young and Mick Halley.
The raffle, although sale of tickets was less than anticipated, has improved our residual monies allowing us to honour our commitment to the school bursaries and any community support.
He expressed thanks to all who organised the reunion meeting and advised a number of accolades have been received. Nice card was received from Sisters Carol and Madeline and also from Brother Kevin Hoare.
Some concern was raised about being “pushed out” at 3.00pm
Mention was made about the fishing trip which Mick Halley has re branded as a Retreat. It was acknowledged that the gas BBQ must be serviced before arriving on site. The numbers were down but most apologies were genuine. Monkey Plowman the Trophy winner tried to be anonymous but Mick’s media colleagues published his story.
Eight deaths have been reported since the last AGM. See Deceased Old Boys page
Committee Meeting
- There was not a lot to discuss following the recent reunion gathering and the just completed AGM
- Revenue from membership, reunion donations and the Raffle.
- Correspondence was card from sisters, ATO regarding ABN renewal, Accounts from Magic Dust regarding web site.
- Web Site exchanges are all complete.
- It was decided to conduct a raffle again next year
- the meeting finished at 21.00 hours
- The next meeting will be held on 13 November 2024 after our winter recess
Two Thousand and Twenty-three [2023]
2023 November General Meeting
The November general meeting of the Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association was held on Wednesday 15 November 2023 at the home of Leon and Aileen Fallon
- Meeting commenced 20.35 hours
- Presentà Roly Sandilands, Len Young, Mick Halley, Paul Branagan, Arthur Clarke, Leon Fallon, Laurie Marshall and Pat Clohesy
- Apology from Brian Fleming who was ill. Brian said “I am not that good but good in spirit”
- It was moved by Roly Sandilands that the apology and the attendees be recorded. Seconded by par Clohesy
- Mick Halley read the minutes of the May Meeting and moved they be accepted as a true record. It was seconded by Laurie Marshall.
- President Roly then signed the document
- There was no correspondence except accounts. Mick Halley related an inquiry via the web site by the Armitage family and action taken
- Michael advised that only two deaths had been advised. Brian Sheppard and John Dehne. A condolence message was passed.
- Len Young advised the financial status.
- Len and Michael related the saga of verification of our bank account as determined by ASIC
It was agreed to conduct a raffle again next year to substitute for the previous sausage sizzle.
- 150 tickets at $10.00 each will be issued and the draw will be at Torrumbarry on 16 March 2024
The next meeting will be held on 13 December 2023 in conjunction with the annual family dinner.
- Will be held at Bowls Club and members will pay $15.00
Laurie Marshall led the closing prayer and the meeting finished at 21.00 hours
2023 May General Meeting
The May general meeting of the Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association was held on Wednesday 10 May 2023 at the Kyneton Showgrounds.
- Meeting commenced 20.35 hours
- Present Roly Sandilands, Len Young, Mick Halley, Paul Branagan, Arthur Clarke
- There was not a lot to discuss following the recent reunion gathering and the just completed AGM.
- A condolence message was passed to Len Young whose brother and mother-in-law had recently died.
- Eight deceased Old Boys have been reported since the last AGM. They are recorded on the webs site and details have been circulated to email contacts
- It was decided to conduct a raffle again next year to substitute for the previous sausage sizzle.
- The next meeting will be held on 13 September 2023 after our winter recess.
- It was approved to continue membership of The 500 Club – Upfront
- Before leaving to prepare for his 60th wedding anniversary [11 May 1963] and the annual Queensland excursion Brian Fleming led the closing prayer and the meeting finished at 21.00 hours
Two Thousand and Twenty-two [2022]
2022 November General Meeting
The November general meeting of the Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association was held on Wednesday 9 November 2022 at the Kyneton RSL Club.
- Meeting commenced 20.05 hours with Brian Fleming leading opening prayer
- Present—– Roly Sandilands, Len Young, Mick Halley, Arthur Clarke, Brian Fleming, Leon Fallon and Peter Branagan
- Apologies—- Laurie Marshall, Paul Plowman
Moved that apologies be accepted by Brian Fleming seconded by Leon Fallon
Previous meeting Mick Halley read the minutes of the May meeting and moved that they be accepted. No comments forthcoming the motion was seconded by Arthur Clarke. President Roly Sandilands then signed the original document.
Treasury report Len Young advised that accounts from Magic Dust, Consumer Affairs and Kyneton Connect had been paid and the bank balance was $944.65. Income had been $50.00 {membership and donation]
Correspondence no correspondence handled during recess
Bank signatories with Pat Clohesy’ s resignation as Treasurer Michael Halley, Len Young and Arthur Sandilands become signatories at NAB. The opening hours was mentioned!
Len moved that his report be accepted; seconded by Roly Sandilands
Roundup donation the traditional donation of weed killer to the Cemetery Trust was arranged by Brian Fleming. Brian expressed thanks to Elders for assistance and reported how grateful the staff at the Cemetery was. A note of appreciation will be sent
Fund raising Paul Plowman had suggested at last meeting an unofficial Grand raffle with 100 tickets at $10.00. Half to winner, half to association! No action had been taken to date. It was left to Len Young and Paul to follow up.
Deceased Old Boys John Don, John McInerney, Denis Thompson and Ray Wallace are recent deceased members placed on the honour roll.
Next meeting the annual Christmas dinner will be held at the RSL on Wednesday 14 December 2022. Any business will be addressed at that time
Leon Fallon led the final prayer and the meeting closed at 20.40 hours
The committee had a Winter recess!
May general meeting
The May general meeting of the Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association was held on Wednesday 11 May 2022 at the Kyneton Showgrounds.
- Present… Roly Sandilands, Len Young, Mick Halley, Arthur Clarke, , Pat Clohesy, Brian Fleming, Leon Fallon
- Apologies… Peter Branagan, Laurie Marshall, Paul Plowman
Treasury report Len Young advised that $20.00 had been paid for engraving Possum Trophy and the bank balance was recorded
Revenue raising is uncertain as normal activities are still curtailed.
Fishing trip Brian Fleming said that some new faces were noted and that the weekend was exceptional. Arthur Clarke explained that some real fisher persons had depleted the Murray’s stocks. Roly mentioned the appearance of Kevin Willey and the absence of deserts due to chef being absent.
Round-up donation the traditional donation of weed killer to the Cemetery Trust was arranged by Brian Fleming
Deceased Old Boys none have been reported. Mention was made of the good turnout for Terry Bowe.
Next meeting the winter recess commences and the next meeting will be in October
2022 Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association was held on Wednesday 9 March 2022 at the Kyneton Showgrounds.
- Meeting commenced 20.10 hours
- Present Roly Sandilands, Len Young, Mick Halley, Peter Branagan, Arthur Clarke, Paul Plowman, Jack Ramsdale, Brian Fleming, Laurie Marshall, Leon Fallon
- Apologies Tom Hayes, Gerry Lavery, Ned Keegan [Moved by Leon Fallon seconded by Laurie Marshall]
- Presidents Report President Roly gave his report based around the stalling of most activities due to Covid. He advised that even though general fund raising activities were not conducted we were able to honour our commitment to the school bursaries.
He expressed thanks to all who organised the reunion meeting and advised that 43 people had attended. He made specific referent to Paul Plowman’s memorabilia and the interest it engendered. [Paul Plowman moved that the Presdent’s report be accepted it was seconded by Arthur Clarke]
- Treasurers report Balance at end of financial year was $1360.15. Expenditure for year was Mass for deceased, Kyneton Connect and Christmas Gifts. The insurance cover was cancelled as no activities where cover is needed. [ Moved by Len Young, seconded by Paul Plowman]
Arthur Clarke took the chair and called for nominations. As existing members had agreed to continue in their current or amended position nominations were taken as confirmed.
The 2022 Committee is:-
President Roly Sandilands
Vice-president Michael Halley
Secretary and Public Officer Michael Halley
Treasurer Len Young
Auditor to be appointed
- General Committee – , Peter Branagan, Arthur Clarke, Brian Fleming, Leon Fallon
- Ex-officio: – Paul Plowman, Pat Clohesy, Jack Ramsdale, Laurie Marshall. [In asking to be relieved of full committee duties Laurie advised that he had been a member for 71 years]
Meeting was closed at 20.30 hours
2022 March General Meeting
The March general meeting of the Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association was held on Wednesday 9 March 2022 at the Kyneton Showgrounds.
- Meeting commenced 20.35 hours
- Present Roly Sandilands, Len Young, Mick Halley, Peter Branagan, Arthur Clarke, Paul Plowman, Jack Ramsdale, Brian Fleming, Laurie Marshall, Leon Fallon
There was not a lot to discuss following the recent reunion gathering and the just completed AGM.
- Thank you cards had been received from Kevin Walsh’s family and Billy O’Connell
- Bank Balance is $1930.65 with revenue from membership and the reunion donations. Account for Domain renewal passed for payment $64.90
- 18 have registered for the fishing trip to Torrumbarry
- No deceased Old Boys have been reported. After discussion it was agreed that the special Requiem Mass for deceased Old Boys was not supported sufficiently to convene this year. Future years to be decided then.
- Paul Branagan advised that the RSL Community Room would be available for Committee meetings as part of Community Benefit [n Victoria, club pokie venues are required to submit an annual community benefit statement, which demonstrates that they have provided at least3% of their pokie revenue to community purposes.]
- Leon Fallon advised that our oldest member Jack Pattison had attained 94 years and is in reasonable health.
- After heated discussion it was approved to continue membership of The 500 Club – Upfront
- Proposed visit to Assumption College was discussed and we will not continue with proposal.
- Related Paul Plowman tabled a Special Invitation for the Neale Danaher Community and Sports Pavilion on Friday 29 April 2022. Depending on rosters Paul will attend and invited others to join but bookings are necessary.
- A football match between Assumption and Marcelin is happening as part of the celebrations. Paul Brangan [perhaps now bragger] advised that he was a member of the Marcelin team that beat Assumption fifty years ago which is a rare feat. [ASSUMPTION College’s First XVIII football team claimed the Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria, AGSV, premiership for 2021 with an undefeated season.]
- Whilst he had the floor Paul led the closing prayer and the meeting finished at 21.00 hours with a cold wind to take us home.
January 2022
The Committee met on Wednesday 12 January 2022 at the home of Len and Jan Young.
The main discussion was about the reunion and annual general meeting. Some “out of office” work had been done by Len Young, Roly Sandilands, Michael Halley and others.
Summarised: –
- Mass will be celebrated at 11.00am at the Church of the Holy Rosary
- The Annual General Meeting will be held later in the year, possibly in February.
- The annual Requiem held in February will be further discussed locally.
- The Reunion will be held at the Bowling Club commencing at 12.30 pm
- Attendees will pay individually. Selection of main and desert $28.00
- Invitation will be emailed by M Halley and locals telephoned by L Young
Other matters addressed:-
- Visit to Assumption for committee meeting. It was decided that there was little value in trekking to Kilmore for an evening meeting. Interest was shown in a possible visit during school times to see modern teaching methods. There was also interest in participating in any 150th anniversary functions
- Billy O’Connell had a fall and is recuperating. Kevin Lynch has had a pacemaker fitted. Get well cards were completed and posted off.
- The fishing trip on 18 and 19 March is a turnkey and regular attendees have been reminded.
Next meeting will be held on a date and place to be determined. Pat Clohesy does not wish to continue as Secretary and Public Officer.
Two Thousand and Twenty-one [2021]
November 2021
A committee meeting was held at the home of Leon and Aileen Fallon on24 November 2021
Seven members attended and four apologies were registered.
The effects of the Covid regulations were evident as no income was recorded and no regular activities have been held. But a number of payments had been made including donations to the Netball Club and Sacred Heart College.
The matter of holding the AGM and reunion will be followed up by President Roly Sandilands with Father Declan.
Mick Halley circulated copies of information posted on the web site. Few of the local committee members have [or declare] having emails or internet connections.
A list of Old Boys deaths recorded was advised and agreed upon.
Some sad news about the fishing trip was delivered. The Torrumbarry Hotel did not survive the close-downs and has closed. But all is in order for the weekend.
Make A Difference Community sent a gift pack from Kenshi Candles. The request is to display the candles for interested people to purchase.
There was uncertainty as to the disposal of our “gift” so Roly will investigate further.
The information will be circulated to members who have email connection
The next meeting will be at a time and place to be determined
The same situation as applied in 2020 will remain
The Committee met in February ,May and June. Due to continuing Covid restrictions activities are curtailed but community interaction continues.
The deaths of Valerie Moloney, Mick Buckley and Jim O’Meara were noted and condolences passed along to family members.
The Riddle Roundup carried the story about the 2021 fishing trip and the Possum Trophy being awarded to “Pencil”. Other media forwarded the information did not use it.
Two Thousand and Twenty [2020]
The newly elected Committee will determine when and how often meetings are held. The change in activities and demographics means that monthly meetings may not be necessary
DUE TO COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS ALL FUNCTIONS are evaluated before being formalised.
June meeting
The meeting was scheduled to be held in the Brady Room at St Mary’s Hall on Wednesday 10th.
Due to the cold snap a late minute change was made and Leon Fallon became the host.
Cold hands may have contributed to the Secretary Pat Clohesy picking up the wrong minute book, but the members in attendance accepted the remembrances and the meeting continued.
The ill and infirm and the recently deceased were mentioned.
The sausage sizzle program has been postponed and forward bookings are not yet available. Len Young is keeping a close watch.
Charitable assistance is a time when most needed is difficult with limited money in resreve and refunding opportunities limited.
The legal requirements regarding the Association have been met and we are OK until next year.
Details of a thank you card from Judy Law and the family will be posted on the web site..
February meeting
The February meeting was held to finalise the Torrumbarry weekend.
Concern was raised by the immediate past president Paul Plowman about the future conducting of the Annual General Meeting. It was agreeed that holding it in conjunction with the family get together was too difficult and confusion.
The matter was passed to the Vice President to consult with members and report at a future meeting.
January meeting
The January meeting was held after the Requiem for deceased Old Boys and is reported in the Reunion Report page
Two Thousand and Nineteen [2019]
Recent meetings
There has not been a lot to discuss ,so any major issues are being addressed off-line during the winter months.
March Meeting
The March meeting was held at the home of Gerard Biddlestone in West Meadows. The executive committee and Brian Turley made the coach trip and arrived relaxed and refreshed. Some passengers toward the rear of the bus were not impressed by the roughness of the Calder Freeway,
The meeting was basically a resume of past events, particularly the annual reunion. After much deliberation the date for the annual fishing extravanger to Torrumbarry has been settled.
Arthur Clarke has booked four cabins and is accepting reservations. The matter of a co-operative arrangement with the Old Collegians of Sacred Heart College had not been progressed but a communication the morning after the meeting has brought the agenda item back to the boil.
President Paul has the details of the Old Collegians committee and will follow up locally.
February meeting
The February meeting was held on Wednesday 13th after the annual requiem remembrance for deceased Old Boys, Brothers and families.
Whilst scalpers were not seen selling entry tickets for the Mass the attendance was acceptable. The families of Ray Beare and Peter Kenny who were amongst the sixteen [16] members reported as having died since the 2018 memorial get together were deeply involved and appreciative. Also present were family members of mates who had died earlier and are on our Honour Roll.
Father Declan conducted the Mass and reflected on the Irish feast of All Irish Saints that is held on 6 November. He talked about illustrious people and made special mention of Tom Walsh and Terry O’Gorman whom he had come to know since taking up his post at Kyneton.
Illustrious is defined as “notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements or actions”. Father said Tom Walsh and his music and Terry for his no nonsense approaches to life were examples to all that using your talents helps many.
The committee then met at the presbytery, to attend to management issues. Frank [Grundy] and , Kevin Sullivan together with their sister Pat the widow of Peter Kenny came along to the meeting as guests.
After the housekeeping issues were quickly dispensed with discussion took place about the Reunion. It was considered to be a success and plaudits were extended in two parts. First to Jan, Teresa and others who assisted to feed to attendees; and second to the Guest speaker Jason Azzopardi
There is a conflict with our allocated sausage sizzle date and the booking for the fishing trip. Arthur Clarke and Len Young will sort out a solution.
President Paul said that Joe Fleming’s family asked why he was not mentioned amongst the deceased. Joe is on the Honour Roll and mentioned on the web site, but we only list the last twelve months at this Mass. Paul will follow up with an explanation.
Roly Sandilands said that he had been approached by the Sacred Heart College “Old Girls” about them joining in our annual reunion. The motion was put and accepted unanimously.
The next meeting will be at Gerard Biddlestone’s on 13 March at 8pm
Two Thousand and Eighteen [2018]
December meeting
The Old Boys committee, wives and girlfriends met on 12 December to close off the year. There were no new issues on the agenda so a convivial soirée ensued. Arthur Clarke has the 2019 fishing trip on his to do list and will follow up after the New Year’s rush.
The annual general meeting is scheduled for Sunday 27 January and will follow the usual format, with commencement at the 10.30 AM [DST] Mass. An “all found” BBQ will be organised to feed the assembly. A guest speaker has been organized but is being kept under wraps until closed to the day.
Brother Marius Wolfe was at the school from 1949 until 1951 and has retained an interest in our activities from wherever his vocation has taken him.
Brother recently advised:-
Now that I no longer make use of a computer (now a resident of a nursing home) could you kindly take me off your emailing list!
I can be reached on the following phone number at the Flora McDonald Nursing Home: 08 7321 5188, Room 88. 206 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Cowandilla South Australia 5033
This information was promulgated with the Christmas greeting and brought responses from John McInerny and Tom Hayes both of whom had fond memories of Brother at Kyneton and Kilmore. Bill O’Connell also had a quite reflection on Brother Marius and others that were at Kyneton when he was a student.
Frank Walsh is now residing at at Villa Maria Catholic Homes Star of the Sea Torquay.1290 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Torquay VIC 3228 Phone5264 3500. The management passed on our Christmas greetings.
The final task of President Paul Plowman was to wish all compliments of the season and pass over a small token of appreciation to Father Declan. and the sisters from the Sacred Heart College
meetings since April 2018
Peter Law has taken time away from direct involvement with the Committee due to his ongoing health issues.
No reports of any substance have been advised.
March Meeting
The annual pilgrimage to Gerard and Sharon Biddlestone’s home in Westmeadows took place on 14 March. Fifteen members attended including Brian Keys a “neighbour” of Gerard. Brian is undergoing surgery for a skin cancer on 15 March.
President Paul Plowman presided and the meeting was orderly with a number of topics covered.
The passing of Richard Thomas [Richie] Doyle who died on 1 March 2018 and will be buried on March19 was first mentioned.
John Marshall son of Laurie [Frizz] and Irene suffered a sudden debilitating stroke recently.
Jack Pattison recently celebrated his 90th birthday. Aileen [Jack’s sister] and Leon Fallon were amongst the extended family at his party.
The Committee have taken the decision to purchase a Kyneton Football Club 150 year anniversary Plaque to be installed in the commemorative 150 foundation wall. The plaque will have the Old Boys named and be a remembrance for future generations
The fishing trip is under control with the usual uncertainties, but reflecting the old TV show it will be OK on the day.
There is a working bee at the Church at 10.00am on 24 March.
February Meeting
Under the control of the newly elected President Paul Plowman the members assembled in the Parish Centre after attending the annual requiem mass for deceased Old Boy, Marist Brothers and family members.
Due to major construction plans involving the Presbytery “father’s home” is no longer the venue for the February meeting. Father Declan Obrien attended the meeting, the first held since he replaced Joe Rhys.
Paul was generous in his accolade for his predecessor Peter Law and wished him all the best during his health worries. The rest of the meeting revolved around the recent reunion and the upcoming fishing weekend.
All agreed that the reunion was another successful event, naturally marred by the missing members who had died since the last AGM. The usual indecisions about attending the fishing trip were noted.
Next meeting entails the trip to Gerard Biddleston’s home.
January Meeting
Leon Fallon was the host for the first meeting of the New Year. President Peter Law had a previous medical appointment so the chair was filled by VP Brian Fleming supported by Paul Plowman. Time was taken to record the passing of Jackie Ramsdale’s mother.
It also came to notice that Freddy Hyslop had died and although he was not an Old Boy he was an associate member.
The main focus was upon the upcoming reunion and the organising of the mass and family function after the Annual General Meeting.
Two Thousand and Seventeen [2017]
December Meeting
Wednesday 29 November was when the December meeting was held as the normal date conflicted with the Sacred Heart College annual car raffle.
Len and Jan Young hosted the meeting which welcomed the return of President Peter Law. Secretary Pat Clohesy sent an apology as their daughter Cilla was celebrating a “middle of the zeros” birthday.
Roly Sandilands was also absent due to his very serious car crash the week before. Roly is home recuperating but is quite battered and bruised. The car is a write-off. God was obviously traveling as a passenger that morning!!
The main agenda item was the upcoming annual reunion and the “blooding” of Father Declan O’Brien. Paul Plowman is empowered to organise the mass on Sunday 28th January. Peter Law has engaged Tastefully Yours to again cater for the luncheon.
There is some concern about getting accurate numbers of attendees. Last year the number of unexpected walk-ins caused somewhat of a dilemma, but the issue would be greater if people had been barred at the door.
Renewal of Membership will be $10.00 and the meal $20.00 per person.
Deputy President Brian Fleming will be assisted by Paul Plowman to organise a speaker.
Mick Halley will be asked to produce a flyer or two and email the initial invitation to those we have on the data base. Distribution of flyers around Kyneton and district will be by resident committee members. If required members may enter a public house to obtain permission to display the flyers!
November meeting
The Commitee along with WAGS met in a social get together instead of a boy’s only meeting.
Matters relating to the functioning of the Association were discussed oflfine.
October meeting
The October meeting was held at Jack Ramsdale’s home on the eleventh under the chairmanship of Vice President Brian Fleming.
After a winter recess the evening mainly revolved around past events to refresh the minds.
It was confirmed that the 2018 Annual Reunion will be held on Sunday 28th. More details will be worked out at the next couple of meetings.
Some discussion took place about the story written by Mick Halley about the passing of Jim Duggan who was our second oldest living Old Boy who died in September. Frank Hanrahan who was a mate of Jim’s and lived at Wodonga attended the funeral mass and interment as our representative. The story also featured the 1940 Marist Brothers football team [supplied by Jack Pattison] that caused a number of family connections to come to the fore. [See text at The Team—News Items]
Father Joe Ruys left Kyneton to return to his missionary work in Peru. His replacement is Father Declan O’Brien.
Father is yet to be “indoctrinated” into the activities of the Old Boys but his name alone gives him a good start.
May meeting
With very little except the fishing trip to discuss the May meeting was adjourned and reconvened as a family get together at the RSL Club where wives and girlfriends were thanked for their assistance.
April Meeting
The April meeting was mainly about our commitment to re-enact the “loaves and fishes” story from the Bible.
On Good Friday at the football ground our regular volunteers gathered to feed the football crowd. Those who came to the fore influenced the shopping list which included 400 fillets of fish, 400 potato cakes and 120 kilograms of French fries. [There are several times 400 chips in the bags]
Two point eight-eight times 400 cans of mixed drinks were entrusted to Jack Ramsdale who had the task of managing the bar. It was said that we had more ice than the O’Brien Group Arena skating rink. Some remember the old St Moritz at St Kilda that closed in 1981.
We learnt that former committeeman Les Turner’s brother Colin died on April 7th. More details at Deceased Old Boys page.
The fishing weekend will conflict slightly with Mother’s Day so a “family get together” will take place on Tuesday 9 May 2017
March meeting
The March meeting was held at the home of Sharon and Gerard Biddlestone at West Meadows.
The Kyneton contingent abandoned the usual bus and came by car. During the meeting it was determined that it has been about 20 years since the first meeting was held at this venue.
There was not a lot of business to address but what there was took up little time allowing for the general discussions about Kyneton and environs.
The dates for the sausage sizzles in May and October have been confirmed. Mention was made about the Old Boys requiem [8 February] and how well Father Joe engaged the congregation.
Father Joe Rhys has announced that he is leaving Kyneton and will return to Peru to continue missionary work. In the interim there are major construction works planned to alter the Deanery to cater for both the community and the clergy.
Paul Plowman has been co-opened on behalf of the Old Boys to arrange transfer of the dining table to an upstairs room.
The fishing weekend has been confirmed for 12th and 13th May. Some new cabins are being erected along the river edge which will allow all attendees easier communication. Arthur Clarke was sure of those dates but the actual day of the month eluded him.
February meeting
The February meeting was held after the annual requiem Mass for deceased Old Boys, Marist Brothers and family members whether we are aware of their passing or not.
In particular mention was made of notified deaths during 2016:-
Ramsdale[ Mudford]Violet09-May
The attendance at the Mass was pleasing with members from all over the district attending.
It was an historic meeting held at the Presbytery as renovations and alterations to commence soon will see the meeting room disappear.
The general discussion was around the reunion and the consensus was a very positive event. The guest speaker and the buffet style meal were attributable to the success. All accounts have been paid and a small residue has been paid into our bank account.
Annual General Meeting
The anual general meeting was held on Sunday 29th Janauary. The committee were re-elected to serve for another 12 months.
Information about the day has been posted on News Items [via The Team page]
At Mass amongst the parishoners noted as sick were Jim Barron and Tom Walsh. Kevin Walsh advised that his brother Frank has entered a nursing facilty near to his home.
Two Thousand and Sixteen
December meeting
Jack Ramsdale hosted the December meeting.
As expected it was a solemn affair as the boys refelected on the recent deaths of Peter Clohesy and John Barklem.
The order of the day was planning for the 2017 Annual Reunion. The date is Sunday 29 January and it is advised that Ian Stewart will be our guest speaker.
November Update
In contrast to the fallen honoured in the Ode of Remembrance members of the Old Boys are growing old and weary.
For many reasons recent monthly committee meetings have been postponed or adjourned without sufficient attendees for a quorum.
Many of the committee have been on the sick list and are still not in full health. If the mossies plague continues there will be a number of others suffering.
It seemed that there was some attempt to set a record of Old Boys dying but it has abated recently. [Those whom we know about have been posted on the Deceased Old Boys page
Finally a meeting was held on Wednesday 9 November and as usual the Agenda was only a guide. Secretary Pat Clohesy had taken Lyn to Ayers Rock and had not returned.
Peter Clohesy one of our walking wounded was in hospital to have a heart valve fitted and Frizz Marshall was down with an early spring virus. Jim Barron who no longer attends meetings had a spell in hospital and in his own words “I’m stuffed”.
Past President Jack Ramsdale has also been in poor health and has the doctors scratching their heads.
Len Young took Jan for an extended holiday which was extended further when his brother-in-law died.
The speaker system that we donated to the Football Club to improve acoustics in the rooms are working and greatly appreciated.
We provided the BBQ operation for the Kyneton Juniors football finale a Strathfieldsaye and based on that experience have commenced negotiations with the football club to assist in the membership drive and operate the refreshment service.
We have purchased a new supply of baseball caps in the Association colours for sale along with coffee mugs and stubby holders.
A side meeting was being conducted by Flemmo who has returned from Queensland, Artie Clarke and Roly Finlayson about the cost of shearing their flocks and the sale price of lambs. The “well healed” trio suggested that $3.00 a head to shear was expensive. President Peter brought the meeting back to order and offered the job to Leon Fallon who clips Old Boys at a higher price per kilo fine.
The meeting concluded with a date set for the December 7th which is not the traditional second Wednesday but fits with other
July meeting
Technology came to the Old Boys at the July meeting. Future readers of the minutes [may be difficult as Pat Clohesy often has trouble reading his own writing] will notice that Brian Patrick Fleming entered an apology and also said the opening prayer.
Flemmo had moved to Queensland for the winter but it was possible to have him on the phone and on speaker. Having said the prayer he was disconnected.
There was not a lot to discuss as the general “we should” contributor Frizz Marshall was away due to illness. The upcoming sausage sizzle on 6 August was left in the control of those who won’t be in Queensland. Arthur Clark will provide the trailer load of wood for the competition.
Coffee mugs and stubby holders arranged by Paul Plowman were on show and “have come up a treat” They will retail for $10.00.
It was decided that the August meeting would be cancelled and combined with the September event at Peter Clohesy’s shed.
May and June meeting
There was no report about the May meeting.
The June meeting was held at 11 Wheatley Street and hosted by Len and Jan Young on a typical cold and wet winter’s night. But the rain during the day had isolated Frizz Marshall at Malmsbury and Roly Sandilands at Carlsruhe. Brian Fleming had migrated to his winter playground in Queensland.
Other apologies were received so in the absence of a quorum the minutes for the May meeting were held over until next month.
It was advised that coffee mugs and stubby holders have been ordered by Paul Plowman and will be available for sale soon. The recent sausage sizzle was a success even though the day was one of the coldest for the year.
Concern was raised about the cost of maintain the Web Site payment for which the executive can not authorise.
April meeting
The meeting at past president Jack’s commenced sharply on time as directed by the new President Peter Law.
Mention was made of Terry Rowe who died recently and was buried at Mildura. Gerry Lavery had been in contact with Terry over the years and attended the funeral
During the month a lot of memorabilia was handed over by Leo Ramsdale’ s family and was in the possession of Paul Plowman. Paul did not get home in time so the material will be handed over to Len Young and be catalogued before the next meeting.
The fishing trip was discussed and Arthur Clarke has arrangements in hand.
There being no outstanding or new business the meeting closed early.
March meeting
The annual pilgrimage to Westmeadows and the home of Sharon and Gerard Biddlestone is now done and dusted. The bus driver arrived on time and none of the passengers seemed the worse for wear.
After pleasantries the President Peter Law brought the meeting to order and basically remained in charge for the rest of the evening.
After confirming the minutes of the last meeting and taking the Treasurers’ report general business was quickly despatched. Michael Halley went through a list of names of boys whom we believe were at the school before 1947 when the association was formed at the 21st birthday party for the school.
Peter Clohesy has had a spell in hospital after suffering severe dehydration.
The comprehensive list was checked name by name and those identified will be added to the Deceased Old Boys honour roll.
Gerard Biddlestone advised how pleased they are to be the hosts and the memory of his late father John is kept under focus by the Old Boys.
A sumptuous supper was provided and after a few yarns the congregation departed for the journey home.
February meeting
The meeting was hosted by the newly elected President
Peter Law
who was more relaxed than the last time we met because the anniversary event is done and dusted.
Discussion was about the great success and the positive feedback from attendees. Even some sceptics have offered congratulations.
The attendance at the Requiem Mass was poor but many other events were in conflict.
In accordance with the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 No. 20 of 2012 Consumer Affairs Victoria requires that the Public Officer
[Pat Clohesy]
has a valid email address. This was arranged during the week by Len Young and Peter Law.
Michael Halley
had approached Father Joe Ruys about some memorial to be placed in the Church so that the Old Boys will be remembered after all are dead and gone. After reasonably positive response he had our shield painted and framed. The opportunity was taken to amend it slightly and add the establishment date.
Michael also proposed;-
- It be recorded that the foundation date of Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association is 3 August 1947
- It be also recorded that due to Government regulations that the official name is Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association Incorporated
- that an amended logo be accepted as the official shield and used on the Web Site and in correspondence.
These matters were adjourned until next meeting. Peter Law and Father Joe are in contact about the painting being affixed in the church.
January meeting
The first meeting for 2016 was held at Peter Clohesy’s on 14 January. Normally the venue is in the shed beside the pot belly stove but this one was held outdoors due to the summer heat.
The focus of the meeting was all about the annual reunion. So far there are sixty three [63] confirmed acceptances with only four apologies. Only a few mailed addresses were found to be incorrect. [RTS]
It is expected that many more actual acceptances are still to come plus the usual that “always just turn up”.
An extraordinary meeting is arranged for 20th at Peter Laws to finalise the tasks and allocate bodies.
The meeting closed due to the secretary complaining about the darkness and 5 spits of rain…..
Next meeting will be Annual Requiem Mass targeted for February 10th but to be confirmed by Father Joe Rhys.
In March the annual pilgrimage to the Biddlestone Home in West Meadows is to be confirmed.
Two Thousand and Fifteen
December meeting
There was a degree of sadness as the recent death of Sunny [Kevin Frances Sundblom] was reflected upon by the assembled committee. But the veil lifted as some of Sunny’s exploits were related and in some cases embellished.
Funeral arrangements were well in hand but some issues about the wake came to light when it was advised that the family embargoed any alcohol at the gathering. Suitable compromises were achieved so the initial gathering will be at St Mary’s Hall for light refreshments. This will be followed by a second assembly at the Football Clubrooms.
Sunny was a Life Member of the Old Boys and continued his involvement up until his illness took charge.
The Annual Reunion is well in hand with Peter Law and Len Young in charge of chasing up past pupils. Some will be mailed an invitation and others emailed. Other committee are now responsible to personally contact those on the list who live in Kyneton.
Depending upon anticipated attendance by mid-January it may be necessary to consider another venue rather than St Mary’s Hall.
The matter of a Guest Speaker again “hit a brick wall” and although Mick Halley had a confirmed presenter it was decided not to go with his selection. After some more discussion and late night phone calls Senior Sergeant Peter Law [Mick’s son] agreed to take on the task.
It was noted that the media information sent to newspapers by M Halley had been published. Bendigo Advertiser and another were known to have carried the article. Mick has been encouraged to continue his media liaison.
It was decided that the Invitation from Crown Casino Red Carpet would not be accepted.
November meeting
The meeting continued on the journey to reunion but several issues are to be resolved off line.
Len Young, Peter Law and Michael Halley are working on renewing acquaintances of Old Boys that attended reunions in the past. They are also searching records to update deceased members list.
October meeting
The October meeting mainly revolved around planning for the 2016 Annual reunion and AGM.
It has been decided that the catering will be handled in house with the usual committee members looking after preparation and serving food. It will probably take the form of a buffet.
Peter Clohesy has done a deal to get ham and other cold meats at “mate’s rates”.
There was some discussion about a guest speaker but no decision was made.
Michael Halley advised that he has contacted Kate Fogarty the Principal of Assumption College who is excitedly happy to attend if a decision be made in her favour.
September meeting
The Fallon residence in Simpson Street was the venue for this month’s meeting.
It was advised that the August meeting was only attended by five members so a quorum was not achieved. Many regular attendees were on holidays so those who did turn up had a convivial friendship meeting around Peter Clohesy’s pot belly [the stove not Peter’s personal belly]
The focus of the September meeting was around the 2016 Annual Reunion which will be the seventhly [70th] Anniversary of formation.
President Jack Ramsdale asked all members to consider how to make the meeting inclusive and exciting. Suggestions on the format and a possible guest speaker are to be put forward at the next meeting.
Kevin Sundblom continues with is battle against cancer but he is not robust enough for continued chemotherapy.
July Meeting
The meeting was hosted by Judy and Peter Law. They had a prearranged family holiday on the Gold Coast. As a result no notes of the meeting were forthcoming.
The August meeting will have the same fate as Michael Halley will be in the Kimberley. Information will be posted later in the month!
Servabo Fidem!
June Meeting
The June meeting was held at Peter Clohesy’s shed where the firebox was white hot, which was enjoyed by most. Next morning the ground was white cold with a heavy frost, which not a lot enjoyed.
The meeting was one of reflection on the passing of Leo Law and the illness of Sunny. The organisation of the sausage sizzle on Saturday [13th June] was the main matter for general discussion.
Sausage sizzles are now basically the only source of limited income as most other activities such as wood drives are curtailed due to the “ravages of time”.
Peter Law reported that he has had a change of medication and is much healthier. He was looking forward to “my three sons” birthdays that all were on the following weekend in quick succession.
May Meeting
The meeting was hosted by Len and Jan Young and commenced on time. [The volunteered hosts were Leo and Faye but in the circumstances the change was necessary]
President Jack Ramsdale opened the meeting and called for one minutes silence in memory of Leo Law [See Deceased Old Boys page].
Leon Fallon said the opening prayer and the meeting commenced without the Secretary Pat Clohesy who had contacted a virus. Jack Willmott entered an apology.
Most of the meeting was taken up with discussion and personal thoughts about the funeral service and wake for Leo James Law.
Kevin [Sunny] Sundblom brother-in-law of Leo was too ill to attend the funeral. A short discussion about Sunny and his involvement over the years led to a nomination for Life Membership.
The nomination was approved and arrangements made for a presentation to be made.
On Monday 18 May 2015 a number of Committee members attended the Sundblom home. Old Boys from far afield joined the Kyneton contingent, and Sunny’s wife Jarleth and their family for the surprise.
Kevin P Law the first of the family to join the Old Boys and also to be elevated to Life Member made the presentation on behalf of the association. Sunny was overcome with emotion but managed to say a few words.
Kevin Law stated that the honour of a Life Membership was well earned over many years of hard work and assistance to the association….particularly his building skills which were often to the fore……
Sunny made a gallant effort to reply and thanked all the old boys for their friendship and great times at all the working bees…..but the surprise did get the better of him.
The afternoon ended with a thundering applause……good job done by all….a great day all round…some refreshments were taken including a weak black tea for Jack Willmott our oldest old boy.
April Meeting
The April meeting was hosted by President David [aka Jack] Ramsdale but as he wanted to attend to kitchen duties for supper Vice President Pater Law presided over the meeting. The consensus was that his culinary delights were of a very high standard. He even cooked skinless saveloys to perfection.
Emeritus Old Boy Jack Willmott has had many stories about his exploits both for our association and his other community involvements but another is in the offering. The author and a photographer attended the meeting as guests and showed much interest in proceedings.
As reported in earlier months the last donation from the Shilliday Bequest was toward the installation of an electronic messaging and scoreboard at the football oval. The Old Boys were privy to the testing of the highly technical but user friendly equipment.
Peter Law reported “the scoreboard is great and it is all positive feedback……the grand final of the cricket Australia v New Zealand was shown on the board and it was a great success” The official opening of the scoreboard was on Saturday 11 April and the Old Boys Committee were invited to attend the sponsors and Life Members luncheon.
During the past month Leo Law and Arthur Clarke delivered firewood to families that can no longer collect their own wood or are otherwise constrained.
The fishing trip to Torrumbarry reported earlier was again under discussion with the piscatorial members claiming bragging rights for the seven or eight Yellow Belly fish removed from the river Murray.
News about this year is able to be read at Committee Meetings then click Information about our mates
Paul Healey was unable to attend this year as his mother was gravely ill. She subsequently died and condolences have been passed onto Paul and the family.
February and March meetings,
Michael Halley
was admitted to hospital in early February with a prolapsed colon. His recuperation is expected to take several months. The web site has not been attended until 14 March.
In February the meeting was one where not a lot of consequence was discussed except for the fishing trip. Indications are that this year’s attendance will be less than usual with a number of regulars need in to cancel.
The March meeting was the annual excursion to West Meadows to the home of Sharon and Gerard Biddlestone.
Advice was given that the electronic scoreboard is close to commissioning. The scoring will be done from the time keepers box whilst the advertising and notices will come from the club rooms.
The fishing party looks like being an even dozen. With Michael Halley who provides the deserts being absent some discussion took place. President Jack was informed that fruit salad and cream and or ice cream was not going to be accepted.
We will be changing our banking to NAB.
January Meeting
The meeting dealt with the reunion and the order of service. Old Boys conduct all of the activities normally done by parishioners. A roster was developed but not confirmed as the attendance of people is not confirmed.
The cost of membership will be $10.00 and the meal will be $15.00.
Father Joe will be away in early February but it is anticipated that the memorial mass for deceased Brothers, Old Boys and family members will be held on Wednesday 11 February.
Two Thousand and Fourteen
November and December Meetings
Both meetings revolved around the 2015 AGM and reunion. The matter of venue was of main concern as the football club rooms will be unavailable on 25 January.
The Old Boys will officiate at the Mass and the AGM will be held in St Mary’s hall.
The family dinner and concert will follow but final arrangements are yet to be finalised.
October Meeting
The October meeting had more apologists than attendees but matters on the agenda were given careful consideration and decisions were taken.
The last of the Shilliday Bequest has been committed to fund the electronic scoreboard at the Kyneton Oval. It is now under control of the AFL and in conformance with other scoreboards around the state.
Part of the commitment is that the Old Boys and the Shilliday Bequest be shown on any construction to which we have committed. It was advised by Len Young that the Macedon Ranges Shire had not done this at the Swimming Pool and that remedial action will be taken after his personal intercession.
Kevin Rowe who lived in Kyneton for only a few years attended the school in the mid 1940’s. He contacted us via the web site and provided a photo and the names of the students.
See more at Information about our Mates.
September Meeting
There was a fair bit happening at the meeting with the usual side debates still distracting but President David brought the defectors back in order.
We were advised that Anthony [Tog] Maloney had died recently but had requested a private funeral which was conducted soon after his passing. Tog was one of the large family of Dennis [Dinny] and was predeceased by his brothers Kevin and Bernie also Old Boys. Tog inherited his nickname from his mother who was from the Tognolini family at Castlemeine.
The end of an interesting era in the life of the MBOBA is closing in upon us. The last of the Shilliday bequest will be spent when $30,000.00 is handed to the Kyneton Football Netball Club to cover the installation of an Electronic Scoreboard at the sports oval. It was deemed that this initiative in in accord with the codicil on the bequest “that the money must be used in support of the Community of Kyneton”.
A summary of disbursements will be prepared by Treasurer Len Young for the next meeting.
August meeting
The members assembled acknowledged that President David [aka Jack] Ramsdale was a year older having recently celebrated his birthday, the number of which was not disclosed.
Recent articles in the Macedon Ranges Free Press and the Bendigo Advertiser about the death of Leo [Pal] Ramsdale and Leo McVeigh [Brother Arnold] were discussed and available copies provided to those who had not seen the stories.
Brother Arnold was the last Principal of the school and arranged the withdrawal of the Brothers after forty years of service to the Kyneton and district community.
So a long and dedicated life ended on 22 June but the memory will remain, as does the memory of the Kyneton Marist Brothers School. Over the years forty-five different brothers taught at the school.
With Leo McVeigh’s passing only seven are still alive, but each in their own way shaped the lives of the young boys who assembled each day at the Corner of Powlett and Hutton Streets.
Father Tony McCarthy is celebrating the Golden Anniversary of his ordination. It was decided to make a small donation to Father as a memento of his pastoral service to the Old Boys.
The Shilliday bequest was again under discussion. The most recent community support activity where some funding could be provided is an electronic scoreboard at the football ground. The subcommittee will continue negotiations with the President of the Football Club and Council.
Our Queensland expat [at least for the winter] Brian Patrick Fleming reported that Father Sheehy had died recently. Michael Sheehy died on 31 July 2014 at the good age of 87. Father was at Kyneton from 1958 to 1965 and then in suburban Melbourne parishes until he retired in July 2009.
Our honorary Secretary Pat the Grey Clohesy surrendered his horse training licence after fifty years of early mornings and mucking out stables.
July Meeting
After the opening prayer a minute’s silence was held to honour our esteemed friend Leo Ramsdale.
A general discussion took place about the funeral and the respect shown to a real Kynetonian.
Copies of the Macedon Ranges Free Press and the Bendigo Advertiser where Michael Halley’s remembrance of Pal were published had been circulated.
Jack Willmott has been released from hospital. He had been held over as his foot was swollen and he would have had difficulty walking. It was suggested that the ailment was gout brought on by consuming too much altar wine.
Our post office box was shared with Leo Ramsdale so arrangements need to be made to ensure that our mail is collected.
Some discussion was held about disbursement of the Shilliday bequest but all of the information needed to make a decision is not too hand.
June Meeting
The number of members at the meeting was reduced because four or five had moved away for the winter to warmer climes.
President Jack Ramsdale is suffering from two broken ribs and it was quite obvious that he was in severe pain, so the amount of levity was reduced.
The main discussion was about utilising some of the Shilliday bequest for a major undertaking that is in the spirit of “to contribute to the good of the Community of Kyneton”. That was a codicil on the bequest.
A handwritten letter was received from Brian Fleming supporting the proposal but as he indicated that he was “in sound mind and body” the veracity needs to be checked.
Jack Willmott is still on the sick list but was expected to leave hospital soon. Leo Ramsdale was absent as his wife Vi is in Kyneton Hospital and visiting hours conflict with our meeting.
It was also learned that Dianne Tresidder died some weeks ago after a prolonged illness. Dianne was a continued supporter of the Old Boys after Kevin died.
Dianne was the daughter of Reg Costello [one of Kyneton’s butchers] and sister of Ray. She and Kevin had three children and retired to Malmsbury some years ago. She died on 6 May 2014 and was buried at the Kyneton Lawn Cemetery on the twelfth.
A request from Father Joe to assist at a community function on 21 June was passed and organised.
May meeting
No report about the May meeting was received.
April meeting
The April meeting was momentous, for we presented Cath Ramsdale with an Honorary Life Membership. Cath more commonly known as “Mrs Rammy” is our President David’s mother.
David is more commonly known as “Jack”. [If the GG has a formal salutation it is appropriate for our President to be also honoured.]
So under the loving gaze of President David his mother was presented with a framed plaque and a bouquet of flowers by the immediate past President Artie Clarke.
Mrs Rammy has been a stalwart supporter of the Old Boys and arguably is the reason why those with a passion for food remain on the committee.
Every year when Jack’s turn to host the meeting is advised we can be assured of a big turnout. The sponge cakes provided for supper are, a taste sensation; exploding on your tongue, the soft, moist, cake slides gently down your throat. The taste lingers on your tongue even after the cake is gone.
So the pleasant part of the meeting over the general business was conducted under President David’s control. The main item under discussion was the provision of fish and chips at the Good Friday football match held in Gisborne. Roly Sandilands was also supporting the Donald Fire Brigade team running to Melbourne to raise funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal.
Our donation to Courtney’s Crew is acknowledged on the web site: –
We had a very nice thank you note from Courtney’s family.
March Meeting
The annual invasion of West Meadows took place and after a strenuous bus trip from Kyneton President David was exhausted.
Michael Halley Vice-President [who had to drive himself to the meeting] was deputised to chair the meeting. Pat Clohesy Secretary recoded the proceeds in the minute book.
The upcoming fishing trip was a subject of much discussion particularly when a request to provide food and catering at the church on the same weekend was raised. Seldom do we knock-back a request however this was “beyond the pale”. But the food will be provided! There was much humming and harring by those not going fishing about their ability to volunteer.
Arthur Clarke advised that only four cabins are available and anticipated attendance may exceed beds. The request for sweets was noted and the provision is assured.
12 year old Courtney Keast suffered facial and head injuries in a boat crash at Lake Eppalock in January and although she underwent two neuro-surgeries at the Royal Children’s Hospital died of the horrific injuries.
The family have enrolled in Run for Kids to raise funds for the Good Friday Children’s Hospital Appeal under the name “Courtney’s Crew”
A request for support was tabled and discussed before a vote was taken [and for some time after.] We will be giving a cash donation to the cause.
The meeting concluded with supper provided by our hosts Sharon and Gerard Biddlestone. Gerard was quite emotional as he talked about his late father John and how they wish to continue a personal involvement.
February Meeting
Reminiscent of days at school
Father Joe Rhys
moved a number of Old Boys further up the Church to participate in the 65th annual Remembrance Mass for deceased Brothers, Old Boys and families. His missionary skills came to the fore and he had the congregation selecting [and singing] hymns and making prayer declarations. The general meeting then took place at the Presbytery.
Jim Barron who had at the AGM declared his desire to leave the Committee had been taken to hospital in Melbourne earlier in the day, proving where there is a will there is a way! [Not serious Jim……….get well soon]
New President David Ramsdale “flexed his muscles” and controlled the meeting to the extent that only Frizz and Flemmo held a side meeting. The meeting was partially a post mortem on the AGM with advice of nine or so apologies came in response to the 100 invitations sent out by Leo Ramsdale, a vote of thanks to the RSL for donating the incentive prise and acknowledgement of the willing helpers. It was also declared that Father Jack Brady’s presentation and the musical interlude by Tommy Walsh and his entourage made 2014 ‘the best ever’.
Frizz Marshall suffered some fence damage in a recent fire and Arthur Clarke had been busy serving with the CFA in the fire ground around Gisborne and Romsey. It was proposed and approved a donation to the Romsey Football Club to replenish stock used in firefighting.
It was a night where our
Community Service
was well to the fore. A donation to Friends of Bluestone Theatre was made from the Shilliday bequest with a proviso that the Old Boys and the Shilliday Brothers plaque be installed in the building. Support in kind is being provided to the Kyneton Lighthorse Monument Project. A membership has been taken to support the Kyneton Football Club.
Brother Kevin advised that Brother Tom Maher has fully recovered from his illness reported at the AGM and has been in Bendigo for short recuperation before returning to Queensland.
The meeting concluded with a sincere vote of thanks to Father Joe for his support as a New Boy!
January Meeting
The focus of the meeting was about the reunion and AGM. Details of the deliberations are:-
The 2014 Annual Reunion will be held on Sunday 26 January
Commencement: -MASS 10.30 a m….ST MARY’S CHURCH.
Intermission: –
Annual General Meeting 11.30 a m…ST MARYS HALL
Membership remains at $10.00 and only paid members are eligible to vote
Finale: –
luncheon at the Kyneton Football Club social rooms 12.30 pm…$15.00 per head
This year all activities during the Mass will be the responsibility of the Old Boys.
The annual mass for the deceased Brothers and Old Boys is to be held on Wednesday 12 February at 7.30pm.
It is still to be confirmed if Father Brady will be available as guest speaker.
Frizz Marshall without regard for our christian upbringing , in colorful language, advised all and sundry that a fox destroyed all but one of his chooks and to add insult the reaming fowl has gone off the lay.
The fishing trip is now in planning stage with late March the preferred weekend.
Two Thousand and Thirteen
November Meeting
After some discussion the date and venue for the Annual Fish Day was determined.
It will be on Sunday 8 December 2013 at the Football-Netball Social Club-rooms.
Entrance fees set at $25 for a family and $15 for a single entrant.
Ladies are to be asked to prepare the usual low calorie deserts. Refreshments will be available for purchase at usual concession rates.
A cheque was drawn for the annual grade six diary donations. Cost this year is $250.00
The committee has purchased a ticket in the Sacred Heart car raffle. If we win a car pooling arrangement will be finalised.
October Meeting
All discussion focused on the Casino Trip and a review of past pupils who attended prior to 1940 to see if any can be added to deceased list.
It was determined that Frank and jack Lynch and Jack Hughes have long since died.
Frank Lynch was from Malmsbury, Barry and Brian’s dad. Jack Hughes was a butcher and lived opposite Roly at Carlsruhe; his brother Frank had been previously recorded.
The analysis of the list was adjourned for consideration by Jack Willmott.
September Meeting
The meeting revolved around the scheduled sausage sizzle and the forecast of [even for Kyneton] inclement weather. But nine members attended on the day and the clean-up was completed before the rain.
The raffle [sic] of a trailer load of wood organised by President Arthur Clarke and the sale of food contributed to our coffers and at the end of the event everyone was happy.
The Casino Trip arrangements were finalised and members on our web site email list have been advised.
Advice was received that three Old Boys had died recently and remembrances were made by those who knew details. “Paddy” Walsh died on 25 August, Kevin Dempsey on 23 July and Eddie Clarke back in May. Eddie was a cousin of Arthur but as he was overseas at the time the passing of Eddie was missed.
More details are shown on the Deceased Old Boys HONOUR page.
August Meeting
On another typically cold Kyneton winter’s evening the attendance was depleted but those who attended quickly dispensed with the agenda items.
It was reported that the fishing trip was included in a recent issue of the Macedon Ranges Guardian. Barry Grose and the Possum Trophy shown in full colour!
The supper provided by the hosts Aileen and Leon Fallon was sumptuous and enjoyed by all
It is hoped that spring may bring warmer evenings and more attendees.
July Meeting
The July meeting attendance was down due to some being on holidays and some not wanting to venture out after twelve frosts in a row.
Jack Willmott was late due to his ride forgetting him and leaving him at the RSL Club. [Jack relinquished his licence on the firm understanding ‘all you need to do is call someone and you will be picked up”]
Pat Clohesy the honorary secretary rose from his death bed to perform his duties which he did without fear or favour.
But President Artie Clarke was no show, the though is he is out celebrating getting $147.00 per head for his lambs. [And $108 for two-tooths]
Vice President David [ in day to day life Jack]Ramsdale fitted the chair neatly ,there was a lot of chatter ,however only a couple of letters received requesting donations, these were left over until next meeting when the attendance is hopefully higher.
The meeting concluded early.
Secretary Pat thanked Faye and Leo the hosts and without a cuppa headed straight home to tuck in. Bets were laid that he may have had the next morning way from track work.
June Meeting
The meeting was held around the pot belly stove in Peter Clohesy’s shed. [Reminiscent of the song Gentle on My Mind—a gurgling, crackling cauldron in some train yard]. The assembly was short of a few members. Brian Fleming is on his usual winter’s retreat in Queensland. Tom O’Dea, Frizz Marshall and Leo Ramsdale wisely stayed at home and did not brave what was said to be a normal Kyneton winter’s night.
It always takes some time to adjust the heat to comfortable which is achieved by opening and shutting the side door. Someone remarked that this fire gives a good insight as to what hell must be like.
Notable absentee was Jim Barron who had celebrated Elaine’s seventieth birthday and their 48th wedding anniversary the weekend before. Jim had entertained over a hundred guests at the party and showered Elaine with a diamond necklace and earrings.
Father Joe now has a new trailer to cart his motor bike. The saga did not conclude with the provision of the trailer for father’s car did not have a tow bar. An “unknown” parishioner fixed that problem and all seems to be in order.
May Meeting
The May meeting covered a diverse agenda which as usual was scattered and taxing for the Secretary Pat Clohesy but all subject matters were covered before supper.
Leo Ramsdale ,AKA Pal was absent as he is still recuperating after his heart related operation when he had stents inserted [A stent is a small mesh tube that’s used to treat narrow or weak arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart to other parts of your body.]
His partner in all things Old Boys, Jack Willmott was in attendance and advised of his upcoming luncheon with the religious of the district. He mentioned that one of the Sisters had asked for a change of venue. After many bits of advice Jack left the meeting not quite sure how much he will have to stump up for meals at the new venue.
The other previous bank manager did not interfere with the decision taken to supply a trailer for Father to take rubbish to the tip. But the advice offered by Leo Law was ignored much the same as politicians often miss the salient issue. The tip may have a trailer deposited fairly soon!!
This now famous trailer was not used to deliver firewood to two widows of Old Boys or to transport the lawn mower approved at the March meeting. The recipients of our donations are not declared as we respect their privacy and the somewhat delicacy of being a “charity case”!
Time at many meetings has been taken up with complaints about the local newspapers not reporting activities of the Old Boys albeit the advertising revenue from us is always accepted. It was moved and agreed that $100 was to be donated to Kyneton Connect as information supplied to the editor is always used.
Dana Law is a patient sufferer of the debilitating disease Multiple sclerosis [MS] and had entered Team Dana in the upcoming Fun Walk on 2 June 2013. Peter her father-in-law mentioned it but before he had finished talking a motion to support Dana was moved and passed. Whether a supporters’ bus can be arranged is still under discussion within the community.
The Clohesy Brothers and Flemmo conducted a BBQ at the church and fed over 120 souls. This was part of the first communion celebrations and mention was made, but remains in camera ,about the future commitment made by Jim Barron’s grandson.
Leo Law gave an outstanding overview of the fishing trip and made a passionate plea that it continues to be part of our activities.
Leo Fallon is back on his feet and is no longer the Barber on Crutches.
Our sick list, Sunny and Joe Tindall, were discussed as they say at hospital “they are as well as expected”.
The name Barry Gross has been engraved on the
Possum Trophy
which recognises the outstanding performance at the fishing weekend.
Next month the meeting will be held at Jack O’Dea residence at Kangaroo Flat and bus transport will be organised.
April Meeting
The meeting was more or less devoted to the final organisation of the fishing trip much to the chagrin of Jim Barron.
It was reported that Kevin “Sunny” Sundblom is quite ill with cancer and has had a serious operation and will be undergoing chemotherapy very soon. Joe Tindall was taken to Melbourne for urgent medical treatment but is now undergoing treatment at Castlemaine.
Three wood deliveries were arranged to assist families during the upcoming colder months. The sausage sizzle was conducted and considered to be another success
Extraordinary Meeting
“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” is associated with mail deliveries, even placing letters in a Post Box. But pricing beat nature recently in Kyneton.
An extraordinary meeting of the Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys Association was called when the account for their PO Box was opened. The increase in the cost of having a box together with public liability insurance impost places a strain on the limited resources of the Old Boys.
At the previous General Meeting a donation was approved to assist a family that had fallen on hard times. The escalating cost of the PO Box and other regulated outgoings means that either charity or convenience has to go!
The decision was taken to cancel the PO Box and direct mail to another address. In the interim one of the stalwarts of the Association will allow mail to be directed to his PO Box 144 Kyneton Vic 3444.
March Meeting
The March meeting was held at the home of Sharon and Gerard Biddlestone in Westmeadows and the bus arrived from Kyneton exactly on time at 8.00pm.
After the usual pleasantries and some joshing the meeting commenced with Michael Halley the Melbourne Vice President in the chair and Pat Clohesy conducting the Secretarial functions with Laurie Marshall as observer.
It was advised that Jim Beck had died recently so a prayer for him and other Old Boys was said. The meeting followed the normal agenda and individual sub committees being formed at will.
Nonetheless decisions were made to make a donation to the Football- Netball Club for the use of the Club Rooms for the AGM brunch and to also assist a parishioner that had fallen on hard times. A motion to make a separate donation to the Football-Netball Club to assist with team building was defeated. It was suggested that individuals consider their personal views.
Brain Fleming spoke about the funeral service for Bill Trewhella and related some of his sporting achievements whilst at school and beyond. Paradoxically Bill had responded to an invitation to attend the reunion and apologised for 2013 but promised to attend next year. But within days he was stricken with a terminal disease and died on 28 February.
February Meeting
The meeting commenced with the Annual requiem mass to commemorate Marist Brothers, Old Boys and their families. Corresponding with Ash Wednesday the attendance both at Mass and the meeting at the Presbytery was large. [Kevin Walsh remarked “we do not get this many on Sunday]
Kevin also advised that Frank Walsh has been in hospital with some infection in his “good” foot but is expected to be home soon. Billy O’Connell advised that he had recently been talking with Kevin[ Mule] Hailion and believed that John Hassed had died [no one at meeting could confirm].
Whilst Father Jack Brady waited in the wings “Sister Hannah” erected the banner which was completed to a round of applause. The service including the distribution of ashes was all encompassing including father going walkabout and wishing almost the entire congregation personal “peace be with you”.
After the formal minutes, apologies and financial report the meeting became one of the most interesting for many years. The jovial Father Jack gave an insight into the functioning of the Deanery [when he was stationed at Kyneton fifty years ago] under the control of Dean O’Sullivan and Eve Paine the Housekeeper. He also told that last week he baptised a baby and congratulated the grandmother who remarked “you also baptised me”.
Brian Fleming and Jack Willmott reported on the AGM and the brunch. Both acknowledged the large attendance and the doubling of renewals of membership. It was agreed that a similar format should be used next year and Father Jack was invited to return as the guest speaker. [This of course will depend on his location and availability].
Jack Willmott proposed that future requiem mass attendants [readings etc] should be Old Boys. This was given tacit agreement but will need to be reviewed next year.
Tom and Jack O’Dea were both in attendance and Jack bought Brother Kevin and a guest down from Bendigo. Brother Kevin told us that Bro Marius has had a hip replacement and is now living in Adelaide after passing a milestone in the order. He celebrated his platinum [70 years] anniversary during 2012.
Leo Ramsdale tracked down information about Peter Main as requested by Frank Hanrahan at the AGM. Peter died at Coogee Nursing Home in Boronia but “for privacy reasons” they would not disclose Elaine’s address but have offered to send any correspondence on. Leo is in the process of writing a letter of condolence on behalf of the Old Boys. [Frank has been advised]
Michael Halley advised that Peter Molloy had requested information about Tom O’Dea’s location after reading the AGM report on the web site.
At the behest of Leo Law a roster of people able to provide transport for our senior citizens Jack and Leo as Jack has relinquished his driver’s licence due to a health issue will be drawn up.
Laurie Marshall proposed that the Bendigo meeting be held earlier in the year before the mosquito invasion. Matter to be considered at next meeting; which will be the annual pilgrimage to the Biddlestone residence at West Meadows
On a sad note we were advised that Father Martin Sheehy [Kyneton 1958-65] is in pallative care at Nazareth House.
January Meeting
The meeting was to finalise the reunion arrangements and all was concluded without much debate. The usual mass will be at 10.30am and the Annual General Meeting will then be conducted in St Mary’s Hall at 11.45am.
After-wards a sit down brunch will be held at the Kyneton Football Club Social Rooms commencing at 12.30pm. It is anticipated that members and partners totalling eighty will be in attendance. That is the arrangement made with the caterers.
Membership has been set at $10.00 and the meal will be $15.00 PER PERSON.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13 February 2013. The traditional memorial mass for deceased Brothers, Old Boys and family members will be held at 7.00pm. Afterwards the committee meeting will meet at the Presbytery.
In keeping with the general thrust of society the minorities had a victory regarding the fishing trip. The date has been changed to April instead of May as some complaints about the colder conditions a month further on had been made.
Two Thousand and Twelve
November and December meetings
President Arthur had an overseas trip and whilst he was away general business was really general business and nothing of importance was forthcoming.
On his return information about his exploits soon gave way to serious discussion about the reunion and the fish day. This is the day that we eat fish as opposed to the fishing weekend where we generally eat meat. [A report about the fish day will be in the news page].
There was concern raised by the “genuine” fisherpersons that May is too cold and the weekend should be arranged for earlier in the year. President Arthur will discuss with the venue and advise at January meeting.
October meeting
After the last two meetings being relatively non-events due to the late winter lurgi sidelining the majority of members it was back to business this month.
It was moved and resolved that the annual donation to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Primary School would be made again this year. The donation is used by the administrators to honour the graduating sixth class.
The family “fish day” will be held on Sunday 2 December. The venue is still to be confirmed.
This will be last attendance of Father Barry Caldwell as Parish Priest as he will retire and leave Kyneton in January next.
September meeting
The meeting was transferred to Peter Clohesy’s on Tuesday due to the Lurgi attacking Leo Law and family. It also struck many members and as result there were only a couple of non executives in attendance. So only general discussion took place around the log fired heater.
August meeting
Peter Law who takes notes and relays the information was sunning himself on the Gold Coast so no information of note is available.
July meeting
Apart from the upcoming Casino Trip not a lot of other business was on the agenda.
There was discussion about four old boys mentioned in the book ST MARY’S MISSION KYNETON [V I Ramsdale the journey turns full circle
ISBN 0-9581554-0-2 July 2002 page 93]
Father Ray Beare ended up as Parish Priest at Woodend, not the Ray Beare that
married Veronica Patterson, who by the way has moved back to Kyneton in the last 12 months.
Father Ray Skehill whose family lived on “the hill” prior to the Flemings [Brian flemo]
Father Fred McKenna was from Melbourne headquarters [Diocesan cloister]. Leo Ramsdale recalled Father Fred visited Kyneton to address the students at the school.
All three have gone to the Parish of Heaven and have been added to the Honour Roll.
Brother Kenneth Harris who was already on the Honour Roll of Deceased Brothers is also a graduate of the old school.
Not previously acknowledged our benefactors Bernie and Jim Shilliday are also Old Boys.
June Meeting
Those who lived in Kyneton know that June is particularly cold, but the turn out was quite good. The wrap up of the fishing trip was main issue. The upcoming sausage sizzle and wood raffle was discussed and everything was confirmed as in order.
May Meeting
The meeting mainly concentrated on the fishing trip with general business getting short shrift. President Arthur Clarke is settling into the position and if we had any would be comfortable in the robes of office.
April Meeting
On Good Friday, to ensure that our Church Rule about eating meat was not broken, a contingent attended Sankey Reserve Gisborne for the football match between Kyneton and Gisborne.
Our reputation as graduates of Sos’ fish cooking classes preceded, us and we accepted the invitation to cater for the event.
Chef de Mission Peter Clohesy advised that the multitude consumed 210 pieces of fish, 400 potato cakes and bag after bag of chips. [Loaves and fishes parable runs second]
Over the years many students at the college came from Gisborne but very few have been part of the Old Boys gatherings.
A number of our collegiate quelled hunger pangs and were reunited with mates. We expect that some may attend the next reunion!
The fishing trip was discussed at length, cabins have been ordered, and some “strange bedfellows” identified. To pre-purchase food and reserve the cabins a deposit of $50.00 per head has been imposed.
Unfortunately in past years a number of no shows on the day has caused some aggravation and overeating!
March Meeting
The March meeting was, in keeping with tradition, and to honour the memory of Johnny Biddlestone held at his son Gerard’s home in West Meadows. [Other son Steve also attended].
This was the first venture under the control of the new President Arthur Clarke who had similar navigational skills to his predecessor and bus driver Roly Sandilands. So the meeting was late in starting!
The defibrillators have all been installed and covered in more detail under News Items.
A minute’s silence was observed to honour Des Kelly and Ken O’Meara who had died recently.
Our fame as fish fryers has spread and the Gisborne footy club asked if the people that cooked the fish at the Kyneton Good Friday game could do the same for them. It was agreed and the usual suspects are a subcommittee to organise the event.
Leo Law raised the matter of the stove at St Mary’s Hall and if we could assist the Senior Citizens in some way. The matter was unresolved after much debate and will be for mention in April when Leo will report back on his continued investigation.
Advice was received that Mick Crowe has resigned from the Committee.
At the conclusion of the meeting a supper was enjoyed until it was time for the charabanc to depart. Artie thanked Gerard and Sharon for their hospitality to which an emotional response from Gerard where he gave us the “keys to the house in perpetuity” was delivered.
February Meeting
The annual Requiem Mass in memory of the Brothers and Old Boys and their families who have died over the years was held on Wednesday 8 February 2012.
Thirty one Old Boys and parishioners turned out on the evening to acknowledge the deceased.
Afterwards the February meeting was held at the Presbytery under the control of the new President Arthur Clarke. Some though that pressure of high office may cause Artie to defect, but he remained in control and will return again.
Leo James Law has rejoined the Committee as a member. The defibrillators will be distributed now that the schools have resumed.
January Meeting
As we approached our sixty-ninth reunion meeting the focus was upon the organising of it and who was responsible for what!!
The usual arge-bargey took place but President Roly kept strict control and it will be “all-right on the day”.
Peter Clohesy who hosted the meeting had his pot bellied stove alight and even in early January it was welcome. He had found a 30 year old newspaper that had a full page story about his brother Pat and a photograph of Jack Willmott. [both have aged as well as the steaks that used to be purveyed by Willmott the butcher]
It was reported that our donation to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Primary School was acknowledged with thanks at the presentation to the graduating class of 2011.
Some information about the Law brothers was given and is reported at News Items
The incoming committee was discussed and will be ratified at the AGM.
Two Thousand and Eleven
December Meeting
The year ended on a high note when it was announced that the school principals had agreed to accept our donation of defibrillators. They will be supplied to the schools in the New Year. We hope that they are never used, but one life saved will be massive return on investment.
We honoured our commitment to Kyneton Football Netball Club and reimbursed their treasury for the amount paid for the unit installed at the Clubrooms.
THE REUNION be held at St Mary’s hall or the parish gardens ——– still to be finalised .
The RSL is unavailable due to the new management now serving lunchtime meals on Sundays.
Cura Pastoralis
Brother Tom Maher attended his last meeting as he has a transfer to Queensland.
Brother Tom has been our pastoral adviser for many years and has regularly made the trip from Bendigo to attend meetings. His expansive and interesting address has always been a highlight of the meetings.
Brother’s new address from late January 2012 will be: –
November Meeting
After a stormy trip up the Calder to Kangaroo Flat, under the guidance of pres Roly the Committee arrived at the home of Elaine and Jack O’Dea for the November meeting.
President Roly had to rest so Vice President Arthur Clarke chaired the meeting.
The provision of defriberltors to the schools is in the words of the late brother sunshine Vin Reardon “under control”
The 2012 fishing trip to Torrumbarry is on the weekend commencing on Friday 18 May.
Some discussion took place about the venue for the 2012 reunion. A decision will be made at the December meeting.
It is opportune for those who attend to consider offering their services to assist the usual suspects who handle the catering and other duties.
October Meeting
The meeting commenced with an outstanding address by Greg Gibson of Emergency Response Kit the company that is involved with the supply of defibrillators. We have donated one to the Kyneton Football Club and a sub committee [Peter Law and Pat Clohesy] are to discuss with the Principals of the four Kyneton schools about them joining the program.
The funding will come from the Shilliday bequest and in keeping with the terms of the legacy will be to “support the community of Kyneton”. The money had been previously allocated to the building of change rooms for the netballers but a tripartite funding scheme faltered and after more than two years of procrastination we withdrew our support.
The rest of the meeting covered general business and we learned that Laurie Shearman died a few weeks ago. Other information about old boys is contained at News page.
Brother Tom gave his usual comprehensive report including the names of the brothers who have died or are in ill health that are listed on a pray for us site at Fatima. Brother advised that Provinces are being closed all over the world as the Brothers withdraw from teaching and concentrate on missionary work. There are now 25 Provinces where only a few years ago there were 51. Changes are happening in Australia as well and we deduce that some Brothers may have difficulty with their vow of obedience.
An attempt to move the fishing trip was defeated due to the calendar for 2012 not being favourable. Gracious in defeat, but as an aside Arthur Clarke advised that there is a Clarke [and Clark] Family reunion at the Mulwala Services Club on November 9.
President Roly thanked Brian Patrick and “Mummy” for hosting the meeting and providing a magnificent supper.
September Meeting
There was a fair bit of discussion about donating some life saving equipment to a number of organizations in Kyneton.
Debate was adjourned whilst Peter Law obtains some quotations and the Committee has a chance to consider the costs and ramifications upon our funds.
August Meeting
Members braved the cold of Malmsbury, but were warmly hosted by IRENE & LAURIE MARSHALL.
The Last Person Standing added a reasonable amount to our bank account, but in these troubled times we may be called upon to assist a person in need. We applied for a grant from a supporting fund but were unsuccessful.
Mick Law has started chemotherapy after having a major operation for bowel cancer a few weeks ago. He is in good spirits and determined to be hale and health before the Spring Racing Carnival.
Many people in Kyneton are suffering illnesses that range from sniffles to terminal cancers.
July Meeting
The Fallon Family hosted the meeting and provided a sumptuous supper. The main matter under discussion was the Last Person Standing fund raiser and the return of monies and tickets.
Mick Law is recovering from his recent operation but is unable to drive for about six weeks.
The Senior Sergeant of Kyneton Police sent in a nice letter thanking the old boys for the firewood donation. It was suggested that each member puts a copy in the glove-box!
Leo Ramsdale advised that a greeting card and small donation had been sent to Brother Hoare. He also advised that we had incorrectly identified Jim Leahey as Nipper
when compiling our deceased old boys list..
Try as we may the residual form the fishing trip has not yet been gobbled up by Geo Adams.
The sausage sizzle and the Casino Trip were both successful
June Meeting
Len Young hosted the meeting and took the opportunity to hand out tickets for the Last Man Standing event that will culminate with a days outing at the Pipers Street Hotel on Sunday 17 July.
He also advised that an audit of the fishing trip selection competition revealed a surprise residual. The winner refuses to acknowledge that as a result of the undisclosed discrepancy that another participant is entitled to the first prize.
Leo James Law will have his name inscribed on the Perpetual Fishing Trophy.
Matters regarding the next fund raising sausage sizzle were discussed as was the annual trip to Crown Casino.
“Frizz” Marshall was in attendance after a visit to relatives in Western Australia.
Leo Ramsdale will send an official acknowledgment to Brother Kevin Hoare on his attaining fifty years as Marist Brother
May Meeting
The meeting was hosted by Jack Ramsdale but concentrating on the agenda was difficult as Jack’s mum had baked the sponges and filled them with real cream.
The letter received from John Chalmers has been dealt at the home page.
Most of the meeting was taken up with the fishing trip. Subsequently it was found that some who “put their hand up” failed to turn up thus resulting in too much food being purchased.
The last man standing will be held on 17 July. Before that the Casino Trip will be on 26 June.
Sausage sizzles are on the agenda but dates not quite finalised.
April Meeting
The April meeting mainly involved jocular discussion about the fishing trip.
Paul Plowman’s niece was diagnosed with leukemia last year and is undergoing the usual treatment which must be horrendous for her and her family.
Paul and Nick Adams undertook a “shaveathon” recently and raised a considerable sum of money to assist in the ongoing expenses.
The ability of the Old Boys to help those of our community who are in necessitous circumstances is very limited as our funds are quite depleted.
A couple of sausage sizzles and a “last man standing” are planned for the winter months. That is generally the time when our help is requested.
We had a request via our web site from a lady seeking information about her father. Information about a person believed to be him was given and much appreciated.
March Meeting
The March meeting was the annual pilgrimage to Melbourne to meet at the home of Sharon and Gerard Biddlestone.
General matters were discussed at length. The main concern is how to raise funds and some issues regarding the ability to conduct sausage sizzles on days convenient to us.
A request for support from a family well respected in the community and whose members have contributed to the association for most of its existence was discussed. The amount of money available for activities was depleted by half when a donation was made.
Jim Barron was not in attendance as he is in rehabilitation at Castlemaine after suffering a heart attack and ending up in Royal Melbourne Hospital on life support.
Nick Adams and Pat Clohesy passed on the family’s sincere thanks for support during the sudden passing of Delia, Nick’s mother and Pat’s sister.
Leon Fallon advised that Laurie Muir his uncle on his mother’s side died in 1 March 2011 and had been buried. Laurie was an Old Boy.
February Meeting
– After the annual Requiem Mass to commemorate the Brothers, Old Boys and family members who
have predeceased us the meeting was hosted by Father Barry. In his address to the congregation Father reflected on the teachings of the Marist Brothers and how their indoctrination has remained with the Old Boys.
Brian Fleming reported on the Mass, AGM and following festivities. 42 members re-enrolled which was only one up on last year. There were a few new faces at the Mass but overall the numbers are a “reflection of the times”
Father Barry had not been at the AGM as he had attended family celebrations for his sister who had passed the Golden Jubilee date of her admittance to the Sisters of Mercy. [Father Barry has 43 years under his belt]
The attendance of seven Marist Brothers including Brother Jordan who made a day trip from Adelaide was noted and acknowledged.
A vote of thanks was passed to the catering staff and the use of disposable plates was noted. Jack Ramsdale advised that several attendees did not receive a meal but no explanation could be given. [The same amount of food as last year was purchased]
Members passed a note of thanks to Elders for the donation of the boots that was the main draw card for the raffle.
Jack Willmott advised that neither Sister Carmel nor Sister Madeline had been able to attend the AGM and also that Sister Carmel was leaving this week on a two year sabbatical.
January Meeting
The wrap up of 2010 took place at Judy and Peter Law’s home on the night that four inches of rain fell and commenced the inundation of towns downstream along the mighty Campaspe river.
Jim Barron was unable to attend as he has some health problems, Frizz Marshall was flooded in at Malmsbury and Flemmo was “here and there” attending to rising waters. Leon Fallon had visitors and Secretary Pat Clohesy was baby sitting, so Peter Law was not only our host but the scribe.
In order to continue the “feeding of the multitudes” at the AGM and other events we invested in two new electric deep fryers. One was donated to the Football Club. Old Boys can hire the equipment on application to Peter Law
[conditions apply].
The Committee standing for election at the AGM nominated and will need to be formally voted in.
Funds are low with a substantial account for Insurance due to be paid and more drain on our resources during the year taking effect. The opportunities for fund raising during the year have been sparse.
The annual subscriptions may not cover the luncheon so unlike the last two years a fee will have to be charged. Donations beyond the meal price would not go unnoticed.
Leo Ramsdale sent the six living Brothers who taught at the school a Christmas greeting card.
Two Thousand and Ten
We donate weed killer to the Kyneton Cemetery Trust. The conditions of the grounds are exemplary and we wish to acknowledge on behalf of the Kyneton Community the splendid work done by Ron Cribbes, Barry Gray and Carl Neilson
The first meeting for 2010 was held on Wednesday 10 February in conjunction with the requiem mass for the repose of the souls of all past pupils, brothers and families. The mass was well attended even though some localised flooding occurred in the town and district.
The meeting was held after wards and Pat Clohesy under the guidance of the outgoing Secretary Jack Willmott managed to record the proceedings.
March meeting
The March meeting was held at the home of Sharon and Gerard Biddlestone at Westmeadows. As it is taxing on the President Roly who drives the bus he deputies Michael Halley to chair the meeting.
The monies from the Shilliday bequest seem to be finally going to be used and will be transferred to Macedon Ranges Council in June. [See about us!]
“WINDARRING” a school for the disabled now occupies the OLD SCHOOL. Bob Snelling a past pupil [whom incidentally has not attended a recent reunion] is the Maintenance Manager and asked for assistance to repair the stone fence [which some of us built as part of our schooling] and some landscaping.
A size-able amount of cash was donated.
Other general business was dealt with expeditiously!
Frizz Marshall raised an issue about the dearth of local news in the local paper and mentioned the Flynn Brothers who had a significant coverage in other publications.
April meeting
The April meeting was held at the home of Jack Ramsdale but there was only the upcoming fishing trip raised as a matter of importance. There are only a few spaces left.
The comprehensive list of old boys was discussed and further debate will ensue after members look at the records.
It was advised that Barry Green is not deceased as previously advised but unfortunately John Merton and Robert Quigg were detected by John Scott and have been added to our deceased colleagues list.
May meeting
The May meeting was over swiftly as no matters of importance other than the fishing trip were brought to attention.
June ,July and August Meetings
The June meeting was uneventful but the July meeting was sombre as John Willmott a past Secretary had died on Monday and a sadness ensued.
The August meeting was overshadowed by the death and funeral of “Packa” Clohesy and the record number who attended the service. John Scott’s handling of the send off was mentioned a number of times. It was a fitting commemoration.
The wood raffle and snag sizzle held on Saturday 10 July (outside Safeway’s) will go into the record books as being the coldest sausage sizzle on record.
The annual trip to the Casino was on Sunday 8th August….there were 32 gamblers but like all such events no one admitted losing or winning——particularly the latter.
September Meeting
The September meeting was uneventful except for the novelty of the Campaspe River in flood. On the evening of the meeting [8 September] the water was up to the edge of the road near Pat Clohesy’s stables.
October Meeting
Much discussion about the ongoing unseasonable rain overshadowed general business but it was revealed that the sausage sizzle and wood raffle contributed to our dwindling funds.
Pat and Peter’s Clohesy’s nephew
Nick Adams
has joined the committee.
November Meeting
Nothing of general interest was forthcoming!
December Meeting
The “school bus” was used to move the assembly to Bendigo where the meeting was held at Jack O’Dea’s home. The heavy rains did not dissuade anyone .
The main part of the meeting was about Jack Willmott’s health and Pat Clohesy’s horse Colourbond. The former appears to be in better health than the horse. Rain and locusts effected the venue and the result which was not good for the punters!
The 2011 reunion will be held on Sunday 30 January. The after mass AGM and family luncheon venue is still to be determined.
Milestones 2009
The final meeting of the 2009 Committee of Management was held at the home of President Roly Sandilands on Wednesday 13 January 2010
During the past twelve months community support projects were paramount.
Five milestones of achievement are: –
- The Association was the recipient of a Community Grant from Regional 1 Credit Union. Before the signature on the cheque was dry the full amount of the grant was handed onto a family needing assistance with travel for ongoing medical services.
- Three other families that were in necessitous circumstances mainly because of ill health were given monetary assistance.
- We supported our clergy particularly at Christmas time.
- Three opportunities were facilitated whereby firewood was donated to a member of the community.
- We gave our annual Achievement Award at Sacred Heart College and a diary to the graduates of year six at Our Lady of the Rosary school
The recipients of our support were not necessarily associated with the Old Boys or the catholic community.
Whilst our Catholic connections underpin our activities we have a non denominational attitude to the less fortunate.
We jealously guard the identities of the community members that we assist.
Our ability to assist all who come to notice is linked to our ability to raise funds.