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Kyneton Marist Brothers
Old Boys Association

Serving The Alumni And The Community.

Welcome to the Old Boys Association

Christmas Greetings

Felicem Nativitatem Domini

  • Christmas is the main occasion when families get together and reminisce about the last year.
  • Church services followed by the roast lunch and plum pudding have changed in keeping with community expectations.
  • But family underpins all activities, and most will gather at some time in the days around Christ’s birthday.
  • In the past twelve months we have had reports of the death of twelve Old Boys and a number of their family members.
  • When you gather with your family give a thought to those who have a vacant chair at the table. This can apply to those you know or other bereaved families.

We extend to all members and their families sincere fond regards and wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas and a comfortable New Year


2026 Annual Reunion

Will be held on Sunday  25 January 2026

Where: the reunion will be held at a place to be determined.

It is planned as a family event.

More information later in the year


Requiem for Deceased Old Boys

The Annual Requiem for Deceased Old Boys is no longer organised, so your personal remembrance is suggested.

At the reunion the details of our six members whose death had been reported since the 2023 meeting were advised to the assembly.

They are included in the ever growing list on our Honour Roll.

But it is very much  incomplete. Any information at all about an Old Boy who has died is requested.


2025 Torrumbarry Retreat

Our annual retreat at Torrumbarry Weir Tourist Park has been booked

When Friday 21st March 2025 is assembly day and Sunday 23rd March is return to home day


Len Young is the convenor and takes the bookings

Phone 0409 427 476


All attendees are eligible to win the prestigious Possum Trophy. More sought after that the Kyneton Cup or Premiership Flag.


Christ-life Newsletter

 Please have a look at this newsletter produced by the Marist Association.

If you are interested to receive regular copies please click the SUBSCRIBE icon on top of page

Marist Association- Christ-life Newsletter, Vol 108 (


Membership is open to past students or Marist Brothers and for compliance with the Articles of Association an annual fee is payable.

Financial members attending to Annual General Meeting [AGM] are eligible to vote and debate issues before the committee.

If you would like to renew your membership online the charge is $10.00.

  • NAB BSB 083-713 Account 244 687 072 in name of Kyneton Marist Brothers Old Boys and indicate name and renewal.


Over the years KMBOBA has held all sorts of fund raising events that are ploughed back into the community of Kyneton without fear or favour and with a clear non-denominational charter.



Meetings will be called as required. The Covid restrictions may override any plans at short notice


Our Latest News

Keep up to date with the old boys association.

The annual fishing trip to Torrumbarry was held a few weeks earlier, due to the request by some that it would be warmer in April…

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Six degrees of separation! Wodonga is a good three hours’ drive from Kyneton but the recent passing of a long-time resident of Wodonga somehow shortened…

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Keep In Touch

Is there a school mate with whom you want to get in contact?